Simple Acts of Self-Care


As a busy woman, self-care is important to me. My daily routine includes enjoying my favorite teas and mango breakfast smoothie. I always have a good book on hand (even if I only read a chapter or two a day). I am a fan of positive self-affirmation truth statements and uplifting Bible verses (such as "I am valuable and important" & "I praise You because I am wonderfully made"...Ps 139:14). Taking a moment everyday to get upside down off the ground is also a must. But by far my favorite self-care combo is listening to the ocean waves crash against the shoreline while playing with my sweet puppy.


Whenever I feel a little gloomy the sound of waves lapping against the sand soothes my soul & I can't help but smile watching Thumper run towards the water with excitement, not that I need an excuse to play in the sand with my little girl. We enjoy our daily adventures together and she is the perfect partner when I pop up my rig and spin around!

What little things do you do daily to care for your self?
