A Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul


"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."
Proverbs 27:9

As a particularly shy girl growing up, building new friendships was never a natural strength of mine. The older I get, however, the more convinced I am that building community and having a group of loving, truth-telling friends is essential for both my sanity and growth as a woman.


I first met and got to know Tamysen as one of my instructors at a wonderful aerial studio in Santa Clarita. She has since grown to be a dear friend, aerial performance partner, and a much loved colleague of mine. We are so different in our performance styles, teaching methods and aerial inspirations, yet I think it's our differences that make our friendship so much fun. She certainly helps me grow as an artist, an aerialist, and as a woman. 

So today I want to celebrate and say thank you to Tamysen, as well as to all the women who have encouraged me over the years. I am a better, braver woman because of your kindness, and I strive to return the gift to all those I meet along my journey! 

How are your friendships refreshing?
