Sunset at Salvation Mountain


I finally made a day trip to Salvation Mountain. It's one of the unique spots in Southern California I've been wanting to see in person for years, but somehow it always seemed to slip from the top of my to-do list.


From the Sea of Galilee floor to the cross standing at the very top, Salvation Mountain shines bright the theme of God's love, standing over 50 feet tall and made of local adobe clay and paint.


After praying the sinner's prayer, Leonard Knight was filled with a passion to share the simple truth that one could except Jesus into your heart, repent of your sins and be saved. Knight longed to share his joy with others and in 1984 he began building Salvation Mountain. After nearly 4 years of work it crumbled due to the instability of sand and cement used for the structure. Undeterred he began using straw and adobe to rebuild what now stands. Knight is estimated to have used over 100,000 gallons of lead free paint on his masterpiece.


In 2001, Salvation Mountain was designated as a National Folk Art Site, worthy of protection and preservation by the National Folk Art Society of America. In 2012, the public charity, Salvation Mountain Inc., was established to support the project and ensure Knight's vision would continue to be cared for. Knight passed away in 2014, but his mountain continues to grow.


Love is proclaimed joyfully here. Just an hour south of Palm Springs, Salvation Mountain is a strange and beautiful spot with a wonderful message worthy of a visit.

What places do you visit that share a message of joy and love? 
