My Stay-at-Home Reading List


I’m heading into week number three of staying at home and practicing good social distancing because of Covid-19. While I long to go outside and explore, I’m enjoying this opportunity to fill extra quiet moments with a good book! I’ve always loved reading (see this post), however sometimes I find myself going for a month (or longer) without having time to sit down and drink in the written word. Over the past few weeks I’ve finished five impressive books by wonderful female authors, and I’m thrilled to share them with you below.


When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley

As soon as California put into place its current “stay-at-home” order, I started making lists and planning how I could be more productive during the season. While that in itself is certainly not a bad thing, my type-A personality can get caught up in goals and timelines and checklists, and I can miss some very important things…like taking time to rest with my husband and finding peace in being quietly present. When Less Becomes More addresses the detrimental burn out that can become a part of our day-to-day lives, and shares practical skills and encouragement to make space for the slow, simple and good.

“I think it’s time to point our lives toward that place where enough is truly enough.” – Pg. 163


Love Lives Here by Maria Goff

What do we really need in our lives? I find more and more as I grow older what I really need is live in my home, my heart, and my life. Through personal stories Maria Goff shares sage wisdom on living a life filled with love in a world that often tells us we need more.

“Anyone can throw rocks at people. It just takes an arm and an attitude. Getting rid of the things that separate us from God or people takes humility and courage. Letting go of the things that no longer serve us makes room for new things that will…when we have the guts to do this, more will grow in our lives and the lives of the people we love.” – Pg. 191

If Maria Goff sounds familiar, she is the wife of author Bob Goff whose first book Love Does I reviewed in this post.


A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers 

Francine Rivers has long been one of my favorite Christian fiction authors. A Lineage of Grace is actually five separate short stories, each about an unlikely woman chosen and used mightily by God. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary lived in ancient times, but they can absolutely speak to us personally today. This is a work of historical fiction, and each of these short stories (80-100 pages each) can be read independently in one sitting.

“They had courage. They took risks. They did the unexpected. They lived daring lives and sometimes they made mistakes…these women were not perfect, and yet God in His infinite mercy used them in His perfect plan.”
Forward by the author 


Suffer Strong by Katherine and Jay Wolf

This is the second book written by Katherine and Jay Wolf…I reviewed their first book Hope Heals in this post, and it certainly deserves a read. Suffer Strong is profoundly important, and if you have ever felt broken in the midst of personal failures, flaws, or disappointments, their words will empower and embolden you to live the life you were created for…even if it’s not the life you once dreamed of.

“If we have a pulse, we have a purpose. We are not still on earth by accident. We are here today because we’ve been called by God to this unique place and circumstance, to this moment in time and history.”
Katherine Wolf, Pg. 189


Have More Fun by Mandy Arioto 

In uncertain and challenging times, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with fear and discouragement. Have More Fun addresses the need to do more than simply check tasks off of our adult to-do list. While sharing personal experiences, Mandy encourages us to truly celebrate this one wonderful life we’ve been given. 

“I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and it is all good because there’s room in the family of God for all of us...we don’t need to see eye to eye to dance hand-in-hand, so go out and enjoy the party you have been at the whole time.”
Pg. 151


In Summary & Behind the Blog Video

I hope you’re finding ways to stay engaged and inspired during this season. If you could use some uplifting words, I hope you’ll check out one of the books mentioned above. Until next week, I pray that wherever you find yourself you find adventure and encouragement along the way.

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