A New Year & A New Line


Is anyone else excited it’s 2019? I don’t know about you, but my 2018 was filled with many great blessings and some tough challenges too. It’s funny how just the idea of a “new“ year can open people up with new courage and hope.


I was recently driving through the mountains when I crossed over a ridge where a large body of water sat in the valley below. As I got closer I could see a clear, dark marker formed into the ground where the water met the land. (It made a great photo spot for about 10 minutes before the sun set!😉) I could easily define where it was dry and safe to walk and also where the ground was muddy and sinking thanks to the prominent shadowed line surrounding the waters edge.


That strong outline got me thinking about the phrase “to chalk a line”, and how at any point and time we can put a separation between ourselves and old, unhelpful things. Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to wait for a new year or even a new day to start fresh? I can draw a line and mark myself away from things that hinder me. Sometimes it’s hurtful words I regret saying, or an additude of doubt and defeat about myself or my abilities. I know all to well the struggle with that destructive “F” word...you know the one I’m talking about – FAILURE. A voice that says, ‘Dawn you’re worthless, you’re hopeless, you always have been and you always will be nothing but a FAILURE.’ In the midst of struggles like that it is a great joy to know I have the ability to chalk a line, rejecting those destructive thoughts and words as I separate myself from the lies, and replace them with clearly marked Biblical truths. Praise God!


So here’s to chalking the lines we need to, and enjoying the view while we root ourselves firmly on the safe, stable dry land of truth today and thoughout the coming year.

Happy New Year friends! What lines are you chalking today?